


        张燕,女,1987年2月 生,博士,讲师,目前主要从事官能化有机多孔材料设计、合成及其在储能和光催化应用领域的研究。



2006/09-2010/07 黄石理工学院 学士

2010/09-2013/07 武汉工程大学 硕士

2013/09-2018/07 华中科技大学 博士

2018/09-至今   9659澳门新葡萄娱乐场 讲师


1. 横向项目:多相手性拆分催化剂的研发,项目编号:20120200134。主持,结题。

2. 9659澳门新葡萄娱乐场启动基金项目:无机-有机杂化材料设计及其光催化偶联反应性能,项目编号:2042019026。主持,在研。


1. Zhang Y, Li W, Ma F, et al. Optimum conditions for fabricating superhydrophobic surface on copper plates via controlled surface oxidation and dehydration processes [J].Applied surface science, 2013, 280: 898.

2. 张燕、马福民、李文 等。超疏水锌表面的制备及其性能研究[J]. 科技资讯,2013,7, 101。

3. Ma F, Zhang Y, Wei S, et al. Preparation and Stability of Superhydrophobic Surfaces on Copper and Zinc Substrates[J].Journal of Computational & Theoretical Nanoscience, 2016, 13(9):6349.

4. Zhang Y#, He L#, Zhou Y#, Shi Z*, et al. Hydration Effects on Leu’s Polyproline II Population in AcLXPNH2 [J]. Chemical Communication2018.05,

5. Zhang Y, Zhang L, Zhang, X, et al. Pyridine-based hypercrosslinked polymers as support materials for palladium photocatalysts and their application in Suzuki–Miyaura coupling reactions [J]. New Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 44: 15202-15208.

6. Zhang Y, Zhang X, Gao J, et al., Photocatalytic Suzuki–Miyaura Coupling Reactions over Palladium Anchored on 8-Hydroxyquinoline-Based Polymers [J]. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 221(14): 2000076.

7. Zhang Y, Zhang L, Cheng L, et al., Synthesis of faradaic-active N,O-doped carbon nanosheets from m-trihydroxybenzene and piperazine for high-performance supercapacitor [J], Applied Surface Science, 2021, 538:148040.

8. Zhang Y, Cheng L, Zhang L, et al., Effect of conjugation level on the performance of porphyrin polymer based supercapacitors [J], Journal of Energy Storage, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.est.2020.102018
